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” This vintage can be qualified as precious for several reasons. First, because it is a small harvest, which is linked to the April frost. Then, it is a precious vintage in its expression, because of an atypical climate, compared to what we have had last years. A summer without too much heat, marked by cool, even cold nights, particularly during the harvest. We had lots of mornings at 6-7 degrees in the vineyards during the harvest.
This cool, perhaps cold aspect impacts the vintage in its aromatic expression. We have got garrigue, spices, even lemony expressions for some of our vats. Then, a smooth, fresh and sharp balance. This is an atypical expression, even if freshness is a part of Pic Saint-Loup wines.
Harvest 2021 has needed committed people. This vintage has put to the test men and women during seven weeks of harvest.”