"Thinking of nature as a living ensemble constantly interacting, protecting biodiversity in the soils, respecting the balance of the vines : all of this is obvious for us and go through the implementation of biodynamic farming, beyond organic."
Here, our vines are protected with herbal teas (field horsetail, chamomille, wicker, nettle, comfrey…) which allow to stimulate the natural defenses of the vine, so that it can fight deseases.
Manure and plant composts are spread for a good structure of the soil, which improves the water reserves possibilities and allows to deeply develop the root system. These elements facilitate the interactions by the roots, particularly for the nutrition of the vine.
As regards the horn manure preparations, it stimulate the biodiversity and the vitality of the soil. Last, silica enables a balanced growth of the plant, the flower and the fruit.

We are also commited, in a global vision of our environment, to protect and enrich the relations that compose the living. Each year, the garrigues which surround us welcome beehives and Aubrac cows. Before spring and the first buds, the sheep graze between the rows while stimulating all the microbial life of the soils.

For us, biodynamic farming gives the opportunity, besides protecting the environment and men, to work further on the quality, the finesse and the expression of our wines.
An expression of our wines more sensitive, richer, in close cooperation with the ecosystem around us.

To guaranty quality and transparency, we have been certified Demeter since vintage 2018.