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During this period there is a manual work of precision guaranteeing the quality of harvest to come.
Scheduled activities:
We started the green period with this technique. It consists in removing the unwanted bud and new shoots that grows on old wood. The vine stocks energy is concentrated on the chosen shoots, for a better quality of the grapes.
To direct the vine upwards, it’s important to tie-up the wires so that the leaves can catch the sunlight and leave the free passage between the rows. It’s necessary specially for the Syrah which has very long and falling shoots.
From the first heat, the soil is scraping or mowed. Silica is applied to the leaves. This “spray of light” allows a balanced and controlled growth of the plant, the flower and the fruit.
All these steps are important for allowing the vine to produce good quality grapes in the best conditions. It’s adapted acording the grape variety, the terroir and the vintage. All our team is on deck to perform this series of tasks from the shooting of the plant to the harvest.